Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Let's Bring Back Some Old Words: Converse

Converse: to exchange thoughts and opinions in speech :talk

With the explosion of computer use we have lost some very valuable opportunities to truly connect with others. Yes, we "stay connected" through social media, email, etc. But what kind of connections are they? 

The connection made through a screen is a distant connection, one that separates rather than unites. Think about it. True connection through conversation really needs eye contact. And when we converse with another person we also communicate through facial expression, tone of voice, pacing, etc. You don't have that with a screen between you.

In order to make the world a better place, a more peaceful place, we need to develop deep conversations. We need to communicate person to person  about the things that matter.

Maybe this video will help.

Practice conversing with people at a deeper level. Even using written words we can go deeper. We can listen for what the other person's words are meaning and if it isn't clear, ask for clarification. Using social media and email has made is lazy conversationalists.

Live a deeper conversation.

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