Sunday, January 28, 2018

So, You Aren't Dead Yet

If you are still living and breathing you can do something to make the world better. Really.

So, what have you done in the past week that makes the world better in some way? I really want to know. I want us to share ideas of what we do or can do to make this a better world.

You probably can't cure cancer or bring an end to war in the Middle East. By you can do SOMETHING. 
Think smaller. Start where you are and ask yourself what you can do to make something better for someone.
As I've said before, drops of water will wear away stone. So each act of kindness, no matter how small, creates a kinder world. Every voice to support peace, when joined with others, can drown out the sounds of war. Every time you stop to calmly listen to someone in distress you help calm the distress in the world. 

And even pennies can help provide for those in need of food, shelter, or medical care. It may take a lot of pennies, yes. But together they will buy what is needed. You don't have many pennies? That's o.k. Ask others to help. But don't underestimate the importance of your pennies.

I am on a fixed income. But I manage to help provide items needed by the unsheltered homeless in our city. I buy a few items myself. But I also ask my family and friends to help. I'm always amazed at how much we manage to collect. At Christmas we collected 202 new winter neck scarves! We even gift wrapped each one. It was amazing.

Now I'm collecting money to send needed items for bed-fast American Indians on a poverty ravaged reservation. In a month I've collected $355! All by just asking folks to help. The first of February I will order the items and have them shipped to the reservation where a home health aide will distribute them to 8 poor, elderly, bed-fast Indians in the area of Mission, SD.
You see, I can't resolve the issue of homelessness. But I can help a few homeless people be a bit more comfortable. And I can't resolve the deep poverty of the Indian Reservations in SD, but I can make a difference in a few lives.
And I can vote for candidates that are compassionate and dedicated to righting the wrongs in our country and world. We each have a say, so don't dismiss the importance of your vote. We have seen recently how much difference even one vote can make. Get out and vote in every election. And encourage your family and friends to vote as well.

You can do SOMETHING.

What have you done lately? 

What will you do in the coming weeks? 

Please share your ideas.

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