Sunday, March 4, 2018

Do You Really Want to Change the World?

We say we want to stop the hate, to change the direction of our leaders, to solve the problems of drugs and guns and community violence.

We say it, but what do we do about it? What have you done about it? Really. What can you do about it?

It is so much easier to talk about change than it is to actually act on it. Just try something as simple as first putting your shoe on the foot opposite to the foot you usually do. We just naturally do it the same way every day. Doing it differently takes some thought, we have to pay attention and not do it mindlessly. And we'd have to do it over and over to make it a habit. It is the same with any behavior change. Maybe we just don't know where to start to change the world.

Maybe the need for change is so all encompassing that we don't believe we will make a difference. Maybe it seems too big for one person. Well, it is and it isn't. Every action on our part creates reactions. We can consciously choose actions that are most likely to have a positive reaction. And even small actions make a difference.

Often our small action just naturally creates positive reactions in other people and it moves outward like the pebble dropped into water moves water outward. You smile at others and give a cheery greeting and those others are uplifted and more likely to spread cheer. That difference is increased by enlisting others to take action too.

Maybe real change will require changing leaders by electing those who are more likely to behave with compassion. You can help register like-minded people to vote and help them get to the polls. You might choose to actually campaign for leaders you believe will make a difference.

We want to see more compassion, more love, more positive action from people. In order for that to happen we have to mirror that. We must develop our compassion for others. We must act and react in a more loving manner. We must encourage others to do likewise. And we must do it over and over until it becomes a habit.

You have a voice and can use it to work for solutions to the problems of drugs and gun violence. Just look at what the teens in Parkland, Florida, are doing.

The important thing is for you to really want to change - yourself and others - enough to take steps toward change. 

What steps will you take today?

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