Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Woman Who Raised You

For most of us, our biological mother raised us. But there are other women who have filled the role of mother. Some were aunts or grandmothers or older sisters. And there are adoptive mothers who have taken that role to mother children not born by them. Then, of course, there are foster mothers who have children in their lives that come and go. All of these women have sacrificed in some way for children.

And there are women in our lives who have been "like a mother" to us, women who have cared for us in ways that don't include living with us. Often as adults we have older women who have taken us under their wing to guide and comfort us.

So today, Mothers Day, is to honor all of these women. Thank them for their caring. We often don't fully appreciate what women give up to care for others. We kind of figure that is just what women do and don't give them the recognition and appreciation they deserve.

Think of what mothering might involve: lots of time - LOTS of time; bearing a child inside their body for months and then the excruciating pain of childbirth; heartache when letting go of a child; the frustration of dealing with obstinate children; the need for patience - LOTS of patience; putting the child's needs above their own; putting their life on hold for periods of time; often giving up their dreams to care for a child. The list could go on and on.,

So celebrate women who mother. And actively support them in any way you can. It is a hard job!

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