Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Who's Your Hero?

There are heroes everywhere. They are all different kinds of people, every race, gender, age. They are the people who have integrity, who do the right thing to help others, even when it might be really difficult to do. Heroes stand up for what they believe in because they know it is the right thing to do.

Who is your hero? Who was your hero when you were a kid? How have your views about heroes changed?  Did you used to think they had to have superpowers to be a hero? Check out this short video.

From that perspective, who is your hero today?

And for whom have you been a hero? What would you have to do to be a hero? What are you willing to stand up for? 

More often than not parents have to be heroes for their children. And more often than not the children don't appreciate their heroism until they themselves are parents. You see, heores don't do what needs to be done for the appreciation or honor. They do it because they care about what is right, what needs to be done to protect or provide for someone else.

You probably have been a hero at some points in your life. Think back on those times and ask yourself how you can be a hero in the life of someone now.

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