Sunday, June 10, 2018

So, What Did You Do Last Week?

What did you do last week to make the world a better place? I have to confess that I didn't do much myself. I've been too caught up in my own home improvement project and haven't given a lot of thought to how to be more kind, to spread kindness in the world.

So I'm going to work harder at being kind by noticing things outside my own little bubble in the world. I do want to make the world a better place. And I know that kindness is contageous. So I want to do more acts of kindness.

There are so many ways, big and small, to be kind. Today I put my shopping cart back in the store rather than leave it in the parking area for someone else to return it. In the past I've noticed elderly shopper putting their shopping bags into their trunk and offer to help and then return their cart.

And inside the store I need to hurry less so I can notice if other shoppers need any help finding things or reaching the top shelf. Afterall, I value being kind over being quick.

So what are some other acts of kindness that we might perform?  Here are some possibilities that I listed a couple of years ago. I think I need a refresher:

  • Refrain from judging others or harassing them because they may be different or because of their actions. Search yourself for things you have in common rather than ways you are different.
  • Organize a flower-planting party in a nearby park, school, or faith organization. Consider the response others have to the beauty of nature and what a difference that can make for their day when they enjoy your handiwork.
  • Write a kind note to relatives and friends, letting them know why they are special.
  • Open the door for another person when out in public, no matter who that person is. Smile a greeting.
  • Consider needs others may have that you don't see being met and do something to change that. E.g. Approach bookstores owners and publishers about ordering and carrying more books in large print or on tape.
  • Talk to others about kindness, why it makes a difference and the fact that it really is easy to do.
  • Recycle all newspapers, plastics, aluminum, and paper, even if you have to go out of your way to do it. Be kind to the earth.
  • Create a "smile file" with cartoons and pictures that make othrs smile; pick out a cartoon to cheer up a friend in need.
  • Take a day and pay a compliment once every hour; practice telling people what you like about them.
  • Call an animal shelter and find out what donations they need. Collect treats, food, first aid supplies, toys, cat litter, towels, and soft blankets for the homeless animals. Most shelters will encourage you to come "visit" the animals to give them special individual attention. Go regularly and get your "animal love fix!"
  • Switch to pet-safe antifreeze. Antifreeze contains propylene glycol that carries a tempting but fatal taste to animals. Just one teaspoon can kill a cat and two ounces can kill a dog.
  • Reduce air pollution by planting trees and plants in your yard.
Remember, kindness is contageous. Let's create a tsunami of kindness in this often unkind world. And I'd love to have your ideas of how to be more kind,

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