Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Are You a New Recruit?

I'm enlisting folks for the Kindness Campaign to combat the current climate of negativity and hatred. We want to make the world a better place. We start with being kind, being more loving, doing acts of kindness. It is my hope that there will be a lot of us spreading kindness and compassion. Are you a recruit?

So, maybe you are new at this and would like some ideas of ways to do more acts of kindness. There are so many possible acts of kindness that is isn't possible to list them all. But maybe a list will help you think of more on your own. If so, please share them so others can try them too. Here are some:

From a much earlier post:

Of course, your personal circumstances will determine many of your choices. If you don't have much money you cannot personally fund a cause you care about all by yourself. But you can do something to raise money for it. Look at all the interest in community funding through websites like Go Fund Me. Someone starts it and encourages others to contribute.Then things change for someone because of everyone working together.
And don't ignore the power of regularly setting aside a bit of money at a time to make a meaningful gift later. Maybe you can only set aside a dollar a week. You'll have a donation of $52 at the end of a year. That can make a difference somewhere. 
If you are physically able you can still volunteer in countless ways to address problems in your community and beyond. What cause do you care about? What are your skills? Find a group or organization that can use your participation to make a difference in people's lives.
Think you don't have any time? There are still many little things you can do that won't interrupt your busy schedule. Sometimes something as small as a smile for someone who doesn't seem to have one can make a difference for that person. And who knows what that difference will become when they then interact with others. Remembering to open a door for someone or helping them manage their load or sharing your umbrella really can brighten someone's day.
Small random acts of kindness can turn the day around in someone's life and that makes the world a little better in that moment and in that day and in that part of the world. Paying it forward impacts more than just the person you help. It keeps the kindness spreading outward into the world beyond you.

So now start thinking of little acts of kindness someone might do, that you might do. And help build a list to spark ideas. If we are spending time thinking kindness we will be more likely to be acting with kindness.

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